Tough decisions are ahead for your approach to car dealer advertising, especially with the emergence of new technologies, particularly car dealership e-marketing that’s supplanting old media such as traditional newspaper display advertising and even broadcast such as radio and television.
BIGgross Brings 21st Century Car Dealership E-Marketing to You Simply and Effectively!.
The 21st Century has turned traditional car dealer advertising on its head. Dealerships are scrambling to get ahead of the curve on new car dealership e-marketing techniques that go far beyond the online lead generation providers that arrived on the scene shortly after BIGgross, Inc. lead the industry with in 2000. Car dealership e-marketing also includes a myriad of avenues such as wireless mobile messaging, permission-based email and personalized websites, among others. Dealers who are already under financial strain in today’s hyper-competitive markets, now have to decide where to invest their marketing dollars to capture prospects.
Today’s consumers, bombarded with unsophisticated and often insulting car dealer advertising, are finding and employing technological tools of their own to dodge these messages. Commercial-free satellite radio is the answer to traditional broadcast and its overloaded commercial breaks. Digital video recorders allow television viewers to fast forward through commercial breaks. (You probably do it yourself!) Spam filters are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and automatically toss black-listed messages into your email trash.
The solution is HYBRID car dealership e-marketing that synergizes new media with the vestigal effectiveness of old media. Newspapers, broadcast radio and television still have an audience, but effective car dealer advertising absolutely must combine these with the new e-marketing. BIGgross mastered these new media at the turn of the century, and today stands as one of the leading innovators of HYBRID car dealership e-marketing – providing these solutions for thousands of dealerships nationwide.
Ask your BIGgross representative about intelligent car dealer advertising for the 21st Century. Learn the specifics of HYBRID car dealership e-marketing solutions for your dealership.
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